
Discover opportunities to bring Financial Inclusion to Bharat!

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Key Values

Customer First

Customer First

We are committed to having our customers at the centre of everything we do.

Bias for Action

Bias for Action

We encourage calculated risk-taking and moving forward in the face of adversity.

Be Curious

Be Curious

We believe in approaching every problem and every opportunity with an inquisitive spirit.

Be Humble

Be Humble

We value the ability to admit that we don't know everything and that everyone has equal value.

Think Long Term, Always

Think Long Term, Always

We focus on decision-making that promotes lasting growth and innovation, rather than optimising for near-term wins.

Raise the Bar

Raise the Bar

We encourage people to strive for excellence and become a better version of themselves every day.

Learn from Failures

Learn from Failures

We believe in gaining insight from all failures and using the learnings to innovate and try harder the next time around.

Be Frugal and Lean

Be Frugal and Lean

We believe in continuous and sustainable innovation for problem-solving.

Own. Collaborate. Achieve

Own. Collaborate. Achieve

We believe in creating a culture of ownership and collaboration where to deliver the best possible results for our customers.


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Our Culture

Colleague less. Companion More

Our systems might be just nuts & bolts, but we see the human behind the screen. We are strong believers in building bonds and adding a flavour of fun. #feelbelong

We Experiment

We go beyond the typical strategies. Our work involves a great amount of brainstorming & bringing new ideas to the table. #ditchtherules

We are Transparent

From C-suite leaders to interns, we build an open space for everyone to understand where we stand today & more importantly where we are heading towards. #weareone

We Learn Forever

We consistently support your professional development, as great accomplishments come with an attitude toward learning. #keepgrowing

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